Oppose the destruction of Welsh Sport
Chris Jones 0

Oppose the destruction of Welsh Sport

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We the undersigned supporters of the Welsh International Football Team and its governing body the WFA, hereby register our protest at the ridiculous comments of Prime Minister Gordon Brown, with regard to his ambition to get a \'Team GB\' soccer team to compete at the 2012 London Olympics. SOS save our sport! Pass on to at least 10 people We further petition the First Minister of Wales, Rhodri Morgan, and the Deputy First Minister, Ieuan Wyn Jones to communicate to the Scottish Government the intention of the National Assembly of Wales to stand shoulder to shoulder with Scotland\'s First Minister Alex Salmond in his stance of defending and protecting the sporting sovereignty and integrity of the Celtic nations. Mr Salmond said recently: \"Gordon Brown has scored a \"spectacular own goal\" by suggesting Great Britain enter a football team for the 2012 Olympics.\" \"Instead of trying to brow beat the SFA, the IFA and the Football Association of Wales into a single team, Gordon Brown should abandon his campaign which threatens the identity of each of the home associations and their national squads.\" Wales, Scotland and the North of Ireland have already lost far too much because of the appalling wastage of our taxpayers\' money on the 2012 London Olympics. London Labour\'s latest proposals threaten the very existence of our national sporting teams - not just football, but Rugby as well. Owing to the success of other former colonies in Europe in achieving freedom in recent years, huge pressure is being exerted by forces within football\'s governing body FIFA, for this \'fractured entity\' that is \"United Kingdom\" to compete as one team in major international competitions. The effect of such a move on tourism in Cardiff - and in Wales generally - would be catastrophic. Pressure to compete as \"Team GB\" on the Rugby field will follow the amalgamation of Welsh and Scottish FA\'s with their London equivalents. Gordon Brown, crazed by failing personal ambition and attempting to ride on the back of the successes of the so-called \"Team GB\", now seeks to undermine the valiant work of the Scottish and Welsh FA\'s in holding out against consolidation of the four football associations of these islands into one amorphous team. In his attempts to bolster support for his failing Labour Party, Brown is gambling all in one last throw on Labour\'s Unionist agenda. Most sinister of all to us in Wales are his plans to emasculate all independent Welsh and Scottish sporting teams which includes the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU). He must not be allowed to succeed. Only the people of Wales and Scotland can stop him - and stop him we shall. SOS save our sport. Pass on to at least 10 people


A group of concerned supporters of Welsh Sport.
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