Families for Gloria Bartas to be at the SE Anchor Library when Canton Closes
Carrie Lampman 0

Families for Gloria Bartas to be at the SE Anchor Library when Canton Closes

196 signers. Add your name now!
Carrie Lampman 0 Comments
196 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Gloria Bartas is an integral part of our Canton Community. Through her storytimes she creates a love for the library in our children. She inspires them to read, not only through the way she reads to them, bringing stories to life, but also in the care she takes with them, even finding books for them when they mention something they are interested in. Gloria is the main reason we attend the Canton Library. When it closes for renovation we would like to see her moved to the SE Anchor Library so that we can maintain our relationship with her, continue to attend her storytimes, and benefit from her knowledge of children's literature. When Canton reopens we, of course, would like to have her back 'home' there.

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