Weber State University Signpost Publish ALL Student News

Dear Editor in Chief Raychel Jayne Johnson
This letter and petition is about the interview The Signpost requested from Victoria Sethunya and following which you were going to publish her story. According to Victoria, you were going to do an article the first week when school reopened in fall 2013following the meeting she had with the new Weber State University, Charles Wight on August 27 th 2013. For the first time in Weber State University history, Victoria was allowed to meet in person with the university president. Also present in this meeting were members of the community and Victoria's friends, Sarah Boynton and Marie Rita Kelley. This meeting belongs in the Signpost:It has to be published.
Tabled in this meeting were the release of her diploma and her compensation for the extra expenses she incurred as a result of the university's errors causing among other things the delay in the release of her diploma due back in 2004. It was at this meeting that she was told she needed to sign an agreement before her diploma could be released. The said agreement and the letter that accompanied it can be found here:
Some of the articles already published in the Signpost include the following:
1.International Student's Eligibility Questioned
Student Unsure Why She is Unable to Attend Classes this Semester
By J Marko Zivkovic, sr news reporter, The Signpost, October 23, 2006
2.Student Dropped From Classes Due to Computer Glitch
Accoding to Letter, International Student Also to be Reinstated to University
By J Marko Zivkovic, sr news reporter, The Signpost, November 8, 2006
3. Student Protests University
International Student Claims Discrimination After Her Classes Were Dropped
By Frances Kelsey, business editor, The Signpost Wednesday, December 2006
4. Student Dropped From Classes Back In
She is Trying to Finish Degree this Spring
By Maria Villasenor, editor in chief , The Signpost Friday February 2, 2007
5. Graduate Faces Deportation
University Error Played Role in Student's Immigration Status
By Gina Barker, editor in chief, The Signpost, Monday, January 10, 2011and January 12, 2011
We the undersigned request that the student paper should publish Victoria Sethunya's meeting with President Charles Wight to create awareness among students, university staff and thecommunity regardingthis injusticeallegedly createdby Weber State University's clerical errors. What we are asking is that the Signpost simply write an article aboutVictoria Sethunya'smeeting with President Chuck Wight. Several others at the Signpost have already written about her story and it is time to do a follow up article.
Thank you for taking immediate actions,
We, the undersigned: