we want the public to use the tip when ever they want to and scrap the tipping fee and abolish this new system they have put in force

we want the public to use the tip when ever they want and scrap the tipping fee s and abolish this new system the tip has put in force as this is creating more fly tipping with this new system the council and the tip has put in place and we the public are not being told when we can visit the tip its a public tip not a private tip we are not being told when we can use the tip by contractors this has caused a big problem for bury with this new system we pay council tax to use these services and other services to and we don't get non of them this problem with the tips and the council is just going to cause more rats even more disease this all needs to change as its the public who are suffering it dose not matter whos rubbish it is or were its from and who ever takes in to the tip for them its better than being tipped in back street s or country lanes or country parks like the burrs country park this problem wants sorting out now as this is only going to get worse and its all down to them at bury town hall and the contractors what are running the tip