We want Tessa in a movie with Tom

Okay guys, how good would it be to see Tessa in a movie?
Only a cameo, obviously.. or not? In Chaos Walking there is a dog! ]
Manchee is Todd’s pet dog. A gift from Cillian for Todd’s twelfth birthday, his thoughts are audible because of the Noise germ. Most of his dialogue consists of questions or simple words and declarations, such as "Squirrel!" or "Poo, Todd." He was Todd’s closest friend, and follows Todd unconditionally after they escape Prentisstown. When Todd is attacked in vengeance by Matthew Lyle, Manchee defends him at the cost of a large chunk of his tail. In The Knife of Never Letting Go, a plan hatched by himself, Todd and Viola goes horribly wrong, and Todd is unable to stop Aaron from killing him. After his death, Todd finds himself unable to ever intentionally separate himself from any of his allies, as he fears that once again, it might result in tragic consequences that they will all regret.]
Tessa deserves to be Manchee! But i think this is impossible :(
While in Spider-Man 2? i've already imagined a movie scene where Spider-Man saves Tessa from a fire!
But I know it's very hard to see a cameo in Spiderman because they're filming it in USA..
So, if in Spider-Man it will be impossible, could we see it in Chaos Walking? Uncharted?
This petition will not end until we see Tessa's cameo in a film.
So, Tom, How many signatures do you want to accomplish this?
Instagram: tessa_holland_fans
Twitter: @tessa_holl_fans