we want Rachana Perulkar as Kalpana Vittal Jadhav & Aashish Choudhary as Raghav S. Singhania in the Ek Mutthi Aasman Serial of Zee TV Channel ;
Susheela Kulkarni 0

we want Rachana Perulkar as Kalpana Vittal Jadhav & Aashish Choudhary as Raghav S. Singhania in the Ek Mutthi Aasman Serial of Zee TV Channel ;

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The Owners of Zee TV Channel ; &
The Makers of EMA Serial ; :-
Kindly hold the breath & have your eyes on the comments of the EMA RagNa fans & Viewers posted as below. ; :- Please Note :-
That Men at the EMA Production House and the So Called DJ’s Creativity unit’s Team Members all have become senseless or might have lost all their senses , ans have lost all its Tracks in the EMA Story lines , as in the on going Twists & turns coming up in the stories, these are no connectivities , no links to tie the knots & its loose ends & thus the links and tracks have utterly broken , thus causing unimaginable & unrepairable breaks and gaps which has perhaps leading the Total Disaster of the ORIGINAL SCRIPT WRITINGS of the Humble EMAs of athe Domestic Workers in the Society at Large ;
Do you all know HOW ??
Friends, it is like these ;
Initially EMA Creativity Team made Mockery of Human Relations, Mother, Friend, customs n traditions, social systems like marriage, God, Divine Blessings, Faith & belief in true love, trust Divine love & blessings of Lord Bappa, the Sanctity of Divine shrines, ;
Later on The creative team started blows on Educational systems, making Mockery of Univ. Results, skills, intelligence & calibre of persons ; To add, the Doctors’professions were also subject to Mockery & at present the creative team making MOCKERY of the very talents and superb acting skills of the lead role playing actors of the EMA !! Above all now in the upcoming episodes, EMA Creative Team is likely to put its Hammer on the Medical Practitioner professionals too , as , just to bring in a new Face in the mid of the Story lines, that too , When the Lead Roles playing Actor ( Aashish ) & Actress ( Rachana ) are SO POPULAR in the TV Industry / Small screen tv serials, & who have won Consecutive ” Best male / & female lead roles in tv serials & best &;most popular on screen jodi ” for the last so many months , thus Marking as the winners of the viewers hearts !!
Still the Production House of EMA have OUSTED the very beatiful gorgeous, talented with artistic skills of acting and awesome expressions who is the sweet heart of RagNa of EMA , Kalpi’s role playing Rachana Perulkar, thus causing injustice to the one’s inbuilt & personal , acting skill & superb expression talents. !! To add with ,
EMA Production House, JUST AT THE COST OF & FOR THE SAKE OF Promoting other characters Actors in the EMA Story, the Viewers of EMA & RagNa only by Aashish & Rachana (fondly known as AashNa ), are now DEPRIVED off the beautiful Entertainment and Enjoyment by those 2 lead Actors of EMA who are having fantastic On screen chemistry, superb body language with their awesome expressions which has bult a permanent & EVERGREEN IMAGE in the minds of the Viewers of TV Serials in the Society , as the EMA had shown its doors to Ms. Rachana Perulkar & that Mr. Aashish Chaudhary is also likely to be disappeared ! / to be vanished !!
As the Right of Entertainment & Enjoyment is one’s Constitutional Rights of every common man & of the public/ society at large,
Requesting the Zee tv Channel & The Makers & Owners of the EMA Serial to kindly Step in to the SHOES of the Creative team member & rectify the mistakes done by them and do justice to both Rachana & Aashish and to the Viewers & AashNa’s RagNa fans of EMA by bringing back again as on screen lead actors of EMA For ever !!
Sir, if you do so, we assure you of our continuous support to the makers of EMA & its Team / Unit for ever with its boosting of TRPs to reach to the skies like Rockets in the Universe. !!
Sir, thanking you once again for your patience Reading these lines till the end. God Bless you All & our EMA too.!!
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