We want new 2D Metroid game from WayForward

Good day. We, the undersigned fans of Metroid, would like to see a new 2D game in this series, which would held principles of Metroidvania. We think that the developer, who would manage to do such a game (if Nintendo do not want to ensure this task to any of their teams) is a video game developer WayForward - their game Aliens: Infestation resembled Metroid Fusion wery well, and therefore we think that this developer is able to create another 2D Metroid game. Our request is based on one fact - since the last 2D game, Metroid Zero Mission, it's been almost ten years, so we would be extremely happy for another 2D Metroid game. People who signed this petition would like to buy a new 2D Metroid, whether it would be released on Wii U, 3DS or any other Nintendo console. We would be happy if this new game held standards of Super Metroid (exploration, isolation and backtracking, one word - Metroidvania), game, which according to many fans was twenty years unsurpassed. We do not wan´t to put this part of series distanced itself from the story, but we wan´t to ensure that story in this game would not play as big role as in previous game, Metroid: Other M. We would like to have a game created that would overcome Super Metroid, and we believe that WayForward is the developer which can master this. Thank you