We want more Bahamian products in our food stores !

Why aren't we feeding ourselves? A nation's strength is in its ability to feed its people. How strong are we as a nation? It is estimated that we import over $260 Million worth of food every year, but only produce 2% of what we need. 85% of that comes from the US ! If we could get up to 4% (double local production), we would keep an additional $5.2 million in the country. We stock about 5 weeks of food between the major foodstores and wholesalers. What if we couldn't import any food because of a hurricane, worldwide ban or food contamination at one of our US suppliers? 98% of our nation would starve! We cannot change this overnight, but we can start today! Pledge to buy only Bahamian grown chicken for one month. Let's show our support to our local chicken producers by only buying their products. You are going to buy chicken anyway, why not buy it from your local farmer? Abaco Big Bird Poultry Farm has exclusively teamed up with Super Value Food Stores to retail their products. Support them. Let our purchasing be louder than our words. Let's make January Bahamian Chicken Month! Buy Bahamian Products and Keep The Bahamas growing!