krystal weir 0

We want a Strange days festival!

68 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
krystal weir 0 Comments
68 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We technicians and strangers have come to an agreement that we want Strange Music to host a weekend, at minimum, event, featuring artists from strange music, as well as people who have been featured on strange music songs, performing for technicians/strangers from all over. So many of us have used strange music as an escape from the hard things in our lives, as a soundtrack to the good, the bad and the ugly parts of our life. We say "Strange Music saved my life" and for so many of us, that's the most truthful thing we could say. We've made friends, some who live in our hometown, some in our state, but many who live all around the country, and world. We've developed a bond with other strangers and technicians, who share a love for a music label that's gotten us through every moment in our lives. Now we are requesting Strange Music to put on an event to gather us all, so we can all meet and just soak up the strange and the love from our strange music family.

Together we are, a powerful force, as one mind, body and soul.

Let no evil enter nor attempt to reduce us, because of the beliefs we hold

And with this love, combined with our strength, we ward off pain and stress

Technician I am, wholeheartedly, in life and in death!!

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