Krissy Rowan 0

We want a Solar Powered RRFB Crosswalk on Hall Blvd - Going to Metzger Park (Hemlock)

59 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Krissy Rowan 0 Comments
59 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Every day, a LOT of people cross Hall Blvd near Metzger Park unsafely due to inadequate numbers of pedestrian crosswalks between Greenburg and Locust.

Facts About this Stretch of Street:

  • There are 9 bus stops between these two crosswalks.
  • Metzger Park sits in between.
  • A large number of residents and visitors of Shenandoah Apartments park on the gravel shoulder on Hall near Hemlock and walk unsafely across.
  • It is 0.7523 miles between Locust and Greenburg/Oleson (between the two crosswalks)
  • It is 0.3187 miles between Locust and the proposed crosswalk near Washington Drive.

ODOT says there has been no pedestrian crashes in the area recorded in the last five years. But how many close calls have there been?

The rule is that there must be at least 20 pedestrians crossing during a peak hour to warrant further investigation into a crosswalk or a Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) crossing.

This is a petition to encourage ODOT to conduct a traffic engineering study between Washington and Hemlock and see how many pedestrians cross each day during peak traffic hours.

If you support this, please sign the petition.

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