We want £1 singles on buses for all students and pupils in school, college and university in Aberdeen
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

First Buses decided to raise the fares of student tickets from £3.20 to £3.50, that's nearly a 10% rise! We were not given any warning and have not been given any legitimate reason as to why. We think this is simply unreasonable and are lobbying for £1 single fares on buses across the whole of Aberdeen for everyone in education, this includes schools pupils, students and college and university.
We held a demonstation outside First HQ on the 12th of April. The coverage we recieved was amazing, it was great to see so many freindly faces supporting us, and so many people in their cars showing us support.
We are currently waiting for First to ge tback to us, about anything, in the meantime we are holding meetings with different bodies here in Aberdeen and the Shire, to get more support from people outside of the social networking world!
We ar ecurrently plannign out next moves too, we'll be having another open meeting shortly.
We ar ecurrently plannign out next moves too, we'll be having another open meeting shortly.
In the meantime like the facebook page for details and like minded individuals: https://www.facebook.com/saynotofirst?fref=ts
If you want to speak to us directly email us at : saynotofirst@gmail.com
Sign the petition if you agree. Pass on the petition if you want to make a change.