David Dvoskine 0

We, the students demand referendum & representation at Ontario Colleges Faculty Strike negotiations

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David Dvoskine 0 Comments
30 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To: OPSEU; College Faculty; Colleges; The College Employer Council.

Re: Ontario Colleges Faculty Strike

Good day,

We the college students demand equal representation during Ontario Colleges Faculty Strike talks. The faculty staff are represented by OPSEU. But during the talks and negotiations, who is representing the interests of all college students?

We understand that OPSEU; College Faculty; Colleges; The College Employer Council all have the right to renegotiate the terms and conditions of employment, however, at the end of the day, these negotiations affect us as students.

We the students, are having difficult times, trying to find ways to pay for tuition, then save every dollar we have for necessities such as literature, food, rent. We the students pay your salaries, and therefore should have a say at the negotiation table.

We are concerned about items, such as: our education, hours of school missed, tests and midterms rescheduled, knowledge gaps, tuition payed, placement hours affected. We want to protect our interests with respect to Ontario Colleges Faculty Strike negotiations.

We the students, demand equal representation between all parties in this matter. We demand that student representatives be present at these negotiations, to protect our interests.

In addition to that, we would like to hold a referendum across all Ontario College Campuses, and hold a vote on Ontario College Students Union. We the students should have the opportunity to be members of a Student Union.

Thank you,

We, the Ontario College Students

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