Mark Larson 0

We, The Residents of Bella Vista

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Town of Lochbuie

Mayor Michael Mahoney

Town Administrator Steve Stamey

And Lochbuie Board of Trustees

Current PUD requirements first established in November, 2003 state open rail fencing with maximum height of 48" is mandatory where property lines face a park, open spaces, and trails. Last year, the privacy fence bylaw was successfully amended to allow homeowners the right to erect six foot privacy fence if they desired such. The residents who are under current restriction via PUD seek that are allowed the right to erect six foot privacy fencing as well.

We are penalized, and wish the Town of Lochbuie lift this restriction. When you consider that in reality, those who have open fencing to the new park for example need privacy fencing more than anyone. Children agitating dogs, the security children need to be allowed while playing in backyards, privacy for those who may have a hot tub in backyard, etc. are just a few reasons that we as residents of Bella Vista should have equal right for the privacy that six foot fencing provides. The PUD restrictions is now 14 years in age. As you know, Bella Vista is experiencing rapid growth, and we urge that this be carefully considered by the Honorable Members who preside over our community. Please put yourselves in our shoes, and evaluate whether it is fair, or if you deem it unfair. Respectfully Submitted in March, 2017.

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