Samir Mokbel 0

We support father Ralph Tanjar نحن ندعم ابونا رالف طنجر

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As Maronite Catholics, we appreciate the truth of our faith in its entirety. Father Ralph Tanjar is a priest who delivers this truth in his homilies. We are most enlightened by his homilies. This is a petition to support the work that Father Ralph Tanjar does to serve God and His people.كا موارنة، نحن نقدرحقيقة الدينالكاملة . ابونا رالف طنجرهو يوصل الحقيقة الكاملة في وعظاته، نحن نرا النور من خلال وعظاته. هذا هو التماس من اجل دعم العمل الذي يقوم به ابونا رالف طنجر لخدمة اله وشعبه .

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