Waleed Rasool 0

We Stand For Dr. Fai

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Dr Faia man ofprinciples, very simple in nature,down to earth ,hard working,sincere and above all determined worker of peace. He has stood for the people of Jammu & Kashmir at every international forum. Today its time for us to stand by him in this hard time.The news of him beingconvicted in the court ofUnited states came as a
shock to world in general and people of Jammu & Kashmir in particular. Despite being aware of the offences he has been convicted we firmly appeal the court of justice of United States to grant maximum possible leniency in his case and show the responsible character of America in helping this intellectual asset of Kashmir as well as United States.

Profile of Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai
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Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai with Pak PM at Muzaffarabad during a recently held Kashmir conference.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai is the Executive Director of the Washington based Kashmiri American Council /Kashmir Center. He believes in the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir conflict through tripartite negotiations between Governments of India and Pakistan and the accredited leadership of the people of he State of Jammu & Kashmir.

Dr. Fai is the founding chairman of the California-based World Peace Forum. He is the Chairman of the International Institute of Kashmir Studies. He is also the Chairman of the Kashmiri American Foundation & the London-based Justice Foundation. Dr. Fai is also the Member of the Board of Director of Istanbul-based the Union of the NGOs of the Islamic World.

Dr. Fai holds a Ph.D. in mass communications from Temple University, Pennsylvania, and an M.A. from the Aligarh University in India. As a student leader, he represented the International Federation of Student Organizations at many international conferences. In 1986, he addressed the United Nations Conference in New York on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries. At Temple University, he was elected as the President of the International Students Association and Director of Temple University, Graduate Students Council. He was also a member of the Temple University President’s Students Advisory Council. He was also elected as the General Secretary of the Temple University Space & Funding Committee. Dr. Fai was elected as the “President of the Muslim Students Association of the United States & Canada” between 1984-1988, whose membership exceeded 73,000 in 1988.

Dr. Fai is the “Distinguished Member” of the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle. He was awarded “Republican Senatorial Medal of Freedom” in 2005. This is the highest honor the Republican Member of the United States Senate can bestow. Dr. Fai was also awarded the Prestigious Distinction of the National Republican Senatorial Committee Commission in June 2007 as a dedicated Republican and inspiring leader. On October 12, 2007, he was presented with the “American Spirit Medal”, the highest and most prestigious honor to be given to an individual.

Dr. Fai in a group photo at the ‘International Family Conference’ held in West Java, Bandung, Indonesia, May 2011.

Dr. Fai was selected as a member to New York-based Strathmore's WHO'S WHO list in January 1995 for his public relations, education and communication expertise. He was included in the constellation of Five Hundred Leaders of Influence, a listing that is reserved for Outstanding Leadership for the Public Relations; and the Excellence in Global Relations. He was also included in the International Who’s Who of Intellectuals, in recognition of his distinguished achievements. He is also the member of National Register's Who's Who in Executives and Professionals.

Dr. Fai was invited to New York to attend the United Nations Conference on Conflict Resolutions in September 1992. He was also invited to Vienna, Austria to the United Nations Second World Conference on Human Rights in June 1993. During the Vienna conference, he was elected chairman of the United Nations Unrepresented Peoples and Nations of the World (UPN). He attended the Third Global Structures Convocation organized by the United Nations, Washington, D.C., in July 1993. He was invited as the guest speaker by the World Affairs Council, Cedar Rapids, Michigan in 2001 and World Affairs Council, Richmond, Virginia in 2003.

He addressed the 46th thru 61st Sessions of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) at Geneva; and also participated in the 41st thru 57th Sessions of the United Nations Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities at Geneva. He attended the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva in 2006 & 2007. He was invited to attend the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Summit of the Head of the States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in January 1981 in Makkah, Saudi Arabia; December 1992 in Dakar, Senegal; in December 1994 in Casablanca, Morocco; in December 1997 in Tehran, Iran; in November 2000 in Doha, Qatar; and in October, 2003 in Putrajaya, Malaysia respectively. He addressed the preliminary session at the Centennial Conference of Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in August 1993. He participated in the 42nd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York in March 1998. He addressed the 14th International Conference on Conflict Resolution in St. Petersburg, Russia in May 2006. He also addressed the Fourth International Conference on Global Good in Honolulu, Hawaii in June 2006.

Dr. Fai was invited by the European Parliament to present a briefing paper for "Kashmir Round Table,” held in Brussels in October 1993. He was also invited by the Washington based U.S. Institute of Peace to submit a paper for Conference on Kashmir. He participated in the Kashmir Roundtable at the Capitol Hill, organized by the Washington based Congressional Human Rights Foundation in June 1994. He also attended the 42nd Session of the U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York in July 1994. He participated in the United States Department of State's conference on "Human Rights Policy in the Post Cold War Era" in April 1995 that was held in Washington, D.C. He attended the United Nations 50 Committee conference in San Francisco in June 1995. He was invited to XX Conference of Heads of State of the Non Aligned Movement in September 1995 at Cartagena, Columbia as a special guest.

Dr. Fai organized five International Kashmir Peace Conferences at the Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007; and two International Kashmir Peace Conferences in New York City in 2004 and 2005 and First Latin American Kashmir Conference in July 2007 at Montevideo, Uruguay. He organized an International Conference on the issue of Self-determination on September 28, 2006 at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dr. Fai has been a leading spokesman for the Kashmir cause for over three decades and has traveled to over forty countries lecturing on the subject. His articles appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, Chicago tribune, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Plain Dealer, Baltimore Sun and many other foreign policy journals in the United States and around the world.

Dr. Fai comes from Badgam Tehsil of the Valley of Kashmir. He has been living in exile since August 1980 for his political beliefs. He is married and has two children.




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