We prefer extensions!

We prefer extensions!

359 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
XJT FA VOICE 0 Comments
359 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Signatures only - use your real name - disregard the donation request by iPetitions

Adding your name to this petition does not mean you are anti union in any way, shape, or form. It just states that we want to be heard and get what's best for us. We all agree that a joint contract needs to happen - when the time and conditions are right. We all want what's best for our workgroup!

We, the undersigned flight attendants of ExpressJet, request that the IAM seek extensions to the current contracts in lieu of the requested proffer of arbitration. At a time when the company is not posting a profit on paper, it is not in our best interest to obtain a joint collective bargaining agreement. The IAM requested the proffer of arbitration without seeking the opinions of the workgroups that they represent. The pilots of ExpressJet have been offered extensions and we want the same opportunity! We want our voices heard as this is our livelihood. We hereby encourage and request the IAM to listen to the members that it represents!

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