Salomon Sanchez 0

We need to stop the oil in the beaches

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Alaska can have 200 save species, but they don’t try to stop the oil that ends in the beaches. Please sign this petition to help the animals and the beaches that are being intoxicating right now. Chemical analysis found this 25 year old oil that is from Exxon Valdez spill. There are two reasons why there is still some oil in the beaches in the gulf of Alaska. When the oil first spilled from the tanker it mixed with the seawater. Sometimes the beaches are protected by Boulders, Boulders are large rocks typically one that has been worn by erosion,

the stability is what make oil persist. We need to make a change with this oil because a lot of animals can die. I know that with petition we will not do that much, but we boost other people or the government of the united states to do something about the soil in those beaches. The soil is very dangerous for the animals and humans, if you notice the sjet the people who is cleaning or investigating the oil are with special clothe. You will not waste your precious time signing this petition. The goopy leftovers of the Exxon Valdez oil spill have lingered on some of Alaska’s beaches for an entire generation. Some cases as fresh as they were just days after the spill. Exxon has refused to pay, but the state and federal government have not sued to force the company's hand, as they should, said Rick Steiner, who was a marine conservation professor in Cordova with the University of Alaska when the spill occurred. I think Exxon needs to pay more money because people can die, if animals die why cannot people, the oil is dangerous. Exxon has refused to pay, but the state and federal government have not sued to force the company's hand, as they should, said Rick Steiner, who was a marine conservation professor in Cordova with the University of Alaska when the spill occurred. The United states

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