We Need Backpacks!
Jonathan Beshara 0

We Need Backpacks!

28 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jonathan Beshara 0 Comments
28 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I belive that the use of backpacks in our school should be allowed. There are major downfalls to not being able to use backpacks, which include but are not restricted to: the inability to hold all of the things we need in all of our classes, the time restrictions that us students have whsn getting to classes because They need to go to their lockers to get their materials they need for their next class, this would be unnecessary if they had a backpack which can hold all the things they need. Lastly, I would like to point out that according to US News ranking our district has an average of 99% of the students attend some type of college, in order to be properly ready for life after high school students should be given a very simple right that that almost all of the students that come out of our district take advantage of in College. In college many students take their backpacks every where they go, they carry their laptops, binders, textbooks, spirals and many other things. Many other students can think of any other negatives to not being able to use a backpack. With everything there are negatives and risks that have to be attended to, in the case of backpacks negatives and risks can include: students bringing things to school that they shouldn't, that is a decision that the students are making that will effect their future. This is also a legal matter that I'm sure the authorities are completely aware of. To add to that I'm sure no matter what the schools try to do students will always find a way around it. In conclusion I think it is not to much to ask for you to allow the use of backpacks in our school, it is a courtesy that I believe should be given to the students.

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