Trey Branch 0

We Love Trey

140 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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140 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear Salisbury University Faculty, Staff, and Students,

Unfortunate events have placed me under suspension from the university and upon the final decision of the university board I could ultimately be dismissed from the campus indefinitely. This situation hurts my family and I because of the continuous struggle to keep me financially stable so I can continue to go to the university that I love with all my heart. I came to Salisbury University on a mission to get my Communication Arts degree and contribute to the campus community by trying to get involved with any campus event, club, or job that I could get my hands on. I’ve learned so much from the teachers, students, and faculty on this campus and I don’t want whatever events that have placed me under suspension to define me in a negative way for this community. I believe I will be proven innocent of my charges in the near future. The importance of this letter is for the university board to understand that my character is an intelligent, humble, and passionate student of the community that always tries his best to make a positive impact on everyone in the community.


Trevon Branch

Please sign the petition if you believe that I Trevon Branch am an honest student of the university and deserve to stay a member of the Salisbury community.

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