Laurelee Curcione 0

We fellow Americans do not want President Trump impeached

Show your support by signing this petition now
Laurelee Curcione 0 Comments
3 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Liberals, activists, and some democrats want President Trump impeached. However, we conservatives, republicans, believers of freedom of religion and those who love our country and constitution believe that the president is exactly what we need to fix the country at this time.
Democrats have pulled every dirty corrupt card they have stacked in their deck to take the president out of office. They believe that Americans are stupid and believe every fake news story they put out to the press.

Democrats are so blind that they don't recognize that every time they pull one of their unethical tactics from their playbook, that bad karma comes back and takes a few more of them out and their corruptive actions are exposed.

This petition is to keep President Trump in office by showing real numbers of people who support the president. He is working hard to move our country in a direction of safety and security on national and international levels.

He needs our support. This petition is a show of that support to let democrats know we have the presidents back and that they need to stand down.

This petition will be sent to Hannity on Fox News and our congress. It's time for our voices to be heard again.

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