Anonymous Springbrook Student 0

We Don't Want Dr. Williams to Speak at Graudation

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Anonymous Springbrook Student 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

After the number of offensive things Dr Williams has said and done regarding our Springbrook community, we do not want him to speak at the Class of 2017 graduation. Dr Williams has disregarded students, called them offensive names, and engaged in sexist dialogue. Not to mention, he has been our principal for not even a full year. We do not believe that Dr Williams is the right person to speak at our graduation, or represent the hardworking class of 2017. Sign this petition to take OUR graduaion back into OUR own hands. After all, weve been working on this for 4 years.... dr Williams? Only a few months. Let's go, Springbrook.

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