We demand Klein Animal Shelter take and post photos of all dogs and cats immediately on intake/arrival !!

Did you know if your dog or cat is lost in such cities as Tyler, Whitehouse, Troup, Tx and other cities in Smith County, they will end up at Klein Animal Shelter in Jacksonville, TX? The Lost and Found Cats and Dogs of Tyler, Tx Facebook page has asked the director, Angela Wallace to let them post photos of these dogs and cats as they come in. This cannot be done was her reply! This would allow anybody to claim a dog or cat that is not truly theirs! That's Ridiculous!! This means if you don't look in Jacksonville, Tx for your lost pet, chances are it will be euthanized after the 3 day hold time.It makes one wonder if the real reason they don't want these animals returned to their rightful owners is due to the fact they actually get paid for every animal they euthanize..Please copy and paste the link below and read what one former employee has to say about Klein. Enough is enough and a change needs to be made! How many more dogs and cats from these cities need to be murdered not to mention Jacksonville and all of Cherokee County! This shelter is nothing but a slaughter house!! Please sign the petition and let's help some of these beloved animals get back home safely!!