We care ( Your Mental Health Matters)
My name is Shawanna Vaughn and I'm formerly known as W76337. I'm a mother, aunt, sister,friend & activist. Living with the aftermath of Mass incarceration and the trauma that occurs before we ever get to incarceration. We need your support now to create a path to healing through the pain with a holistic approach to treating Post Traumatic Prison Disorder Shawanna W76337.
We’re calling on Gov. Cuomo to commit at and create a program that will address mental health before being released from the criminal justice system.
You can read the bill here https://www.billtrack50.com/BillDetail/1318375
Current legislators supporting this bill include:
Assemblymembers: Kimberly Jean-Pierre Chantel Jackson.
State Senators: Brian Benjamin,Leroy Conroe & Jabori Brisport.
Tell your state representatives to sign on, too! And add your name below in support.