If you have ever been involved in a legal incident that requires you to go to court, you probably learned a few lessons. 1. Police charge people with a ridiculous amount of charges for a single crime. 2. They issue charges that will always be on criminal records when they KNOW it was unethical and unlawful to do so and that they will not hold up in court. 3. Lawyers and prosecutors are not actually on opposing sides when its a matter of exchanging favors for the highest paying clients. **The system is running it's course and RUINING FAMILIES AND LIVES in the wake.** Please sign this petition to show support for my family and one individual, Jeremiah Bowen, who is caught in the middle of this corrupt system and his FREE LIFE is at stake ! This petition will shine light on this INJUSTICE and change the tide for others in the system right now and those who might find themselves there in the FUTURE! Sign to support demanding accountability of the system and to support the dismissal of Jeremiah Bowen's criminal charges ! God turned Jeremiahs heart to Him two years ago, and Jeremiah has become a God fearing man, even trying to be a light to others currently in the prison system. He has become a husband and a father, and a MAN OF GOD. He is facing mountains right now that are daunting and are unjust. He is an example of thousands of people who face loosing their families, their freedom and decades of their life because the judicial and police system have put their egos above the truth that these are HUMAN BEINGS they are playing with. These are real lives not just numbers.