We often find ourselves talking about how "disrespectful" and "irresponsible" our new age youth are... The responsibilities of life can be overwhelming and we seldom forget how important our roles as parents and mentors are. Let’s face the facts, there is not enough time being spent with our children at home and it’s a major problem!
We know some of the root causes of youth academic failure and now it’s time to fix it! We at TSE know that It is not easy raising young adults so we would like to make it as easy as possible for parents/guardians by offering our services as mentors in a curricular setting. Our overall goal is to provide a positive environment for our youth excel in every aspect of life.
The Salvation Effect (TSE) has found a solution that will stop young adults from being considered another negative statistic but we need help and we are not afraid to ask for it! Awareness and Financial Support is needed due to the financial restraints on funding public education and counseling.
The Salvation Effect is a Non-Profit Corporation that has a sole purpose to change the lives of our at-risk youth. Please support our local business by signing this petition to show that you care!
"Counseling should not be feared rather embraced."
- The Salvation Effect