We are AGAINST religious war
Caroline Basset 0

We are AGAINST religious war

23 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Caroline Basset 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

co·ex·istTo live in peace with another or others despite differences.

By signing your name, you are protesting against religious based wars. What is it about religion that people can't agree with? Religion is PERSONAL, and everyone needs to see it in different ways and UNDERSTAND each other. Religion is not a grounds for fighting. Go home, pray, meditate, worship - whatever your religion is, people will respect that, and you need to respect that not everyone is of the same religion. Some religions are polar opposites. RESPECT THAT. RELIGION IS NOT A MEANS FOR FIGHTING. RELIGIONS HAVE THEIR DIFFERENCES. RESPECT THAT. What are you fighting about? Who has the better God? Who's places of worship are more humble? Get real, understand that not everyone thinks the way you do. Not everyone believes in the same things you do. This isn't a reasonable grounds to start a war. She wants to follow her own religion? Let her. He wants to leave his religion to join another? So be it. RELIGION IS PERSONAL. RESPECT THAT

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