Dawn Zivcic 0

WCYC 2020 Bylaws Motion: COVID19 Guidelines

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Motion for Bylaws Consideration

2020 Pool Social Distancing Guidelines and Protocol

To the WCYC Board and/or Trustees,

Considering the 2020 COVID19 social distancing requirements and health risks, I'm proposing the following motion for consideration by the WCYC Board and/or Trustees in regard to pool usage and accommodations.

The goals and intentions of this motion are as follows: To limit virus exposure for WCYC club members (particularly our large population of vulnerable members), ensure pool usage is fair and equitable for all paying members, and to remain in compliance with state requirements to enable our pool to remain open for the duration of the season. With most area public pools being closed this year, these challenges could escalate if concerns aren't addressed early-on to minimize exposure, risk, and potential repercussions.

Since the WCYC pool was opened for use on 05/26/2020, there have been several observations made by myself and other club members that prompted the initiation of this motion. These observations include, but aren't limited to the following:

- Club members have invited a substantial number of guests/children to the pool, limiting the use of the pool by paying club members.

- Some children have not been supervised closely enough at the pool to instill social distancing guidelines. Examples include touching personal items that belong to other club members and being in close physical contact with club members while in the pool, which includes physically touching others outside of their immediate family and/or guests.

- The social distancing guidelines that were shared via email with all club members at the onset of the pool opening aren't being followed, such as having food in the pool area.

-The number of pool occupants has exceeded state and club recommendations. Specifically, per state guidelines, the WCYC pool is approximately 600 square feet, allowing 15 to 20 square feet per person (depending on water depth) in the pool area, which equates to not more than 30 to 35 people at once in a non COVID situation (rounded up.) Per Responsible Restart Ohio guidelines, issued by the governor of Ohio, we need to decrease our pool capacity to allow for six foot distancing in the pool. This works out mathematically to a total of 18 to 20 people in the pool at one time.

For example, recently, one club member alone was observed by other club members and at least one WCYC Bridge member to have had an estimated 20 to 25 guests at the pool for a child's birthday party. This infringed on the rights of paying members who are unable to use the pool they pay for.

- Some children are being advised and permitted to urinate in the grassy area near the pool (by the kitchen entrance.) As shared by national and state health officials, children are considered to be a large segment of asymptomatic carriers of COVID19. Such behavior, along with the aforementioned, could increase virus exposure for club members.

In accordance with the concerns shared above, I, along with additional club members, submit the following recommendations for consideration in association with the June Board and membership meetings. The request is for these changes to become effective immediately upon completion of the considerations process.


- Put a cap on the number of people that (collective) club members may have at the pool that is considered to be a reasonable number, including guests. The recommendation associated with this motion is a total of five (5) per membership family (not to be confused with each club member) permitted at the pool at one outing. Thus, club members, family members and their guests would not exceed five (5) per group while at the pool. Note: Members should refrain from "stacking" guests by asking other club members to assume responsibility for guests beyond the number allocated and permitted.

- Allocate one hour per day to adult only usage of the pool to limit exposure and make vulnerable adult members feel more comfortable to visit the pool. The recommendation of this motion is 4:00 or 5:00 PM daily. Additionally, as defined in the WCYC bylaws and pool rules, a request is being made to enforce the existing rule of 8:00 PM for pool usage by children under the age of independent pool use (14 years of age).

- Post a sign at the pool that clearly conveys and communicates the social distancing rules and guidelines as defined by the WCYC Board that were communicated upon the pool opening effective on 05/26/2020. This should include reference to no food permitted in the pool area.

- Via formal club communications and sign-posting, parents should be advised to closely supervise their children at the pool to instill and respect social distancing to a reasonable extent. This should include reference to the personal property of others and maintaining appropriate physical distance from others while their child is in the pool. Additionally, this signage should also include reference to no outdoor urination permitted by children in or near the pool area.

Thank you for your consideration of this motion.


Dawn Zivcic (and supporting club members)

Date: 6/‎8/‎2020

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