Waterkant should give the profit from the International R.Kelly Day to Reclaimed Voices

Waterkant, one of Amsterdam's most crowded bar will be hosting on March 9th 2018, an International R.Kelly Day. Such event is a tribute to a notorious sexual predator, well-known for assaulting and abusing very young girls.
Waterkant keeps on avoiding feedback and remarks they receive regarding this event, and just keep on blocking people pointing this event as not acceptable in 2018.
Since they do not seem to be willing to cancel the event, it seems logical that Waterkant should give 50% of the revenues of this party to Reclaimed Voices, a Dutch Foundation helping victims of sexual assaults.
Sharing hashtags with #MeToo and #TimesUp is not enough to fight sexual assaults and attacks a lot of women, young girls and young boys are facing.
Make an impact by signing this petition: push Waterkant doing the right thing.