Aleister Denven Unknown 0

Watch,Pray And Be Ready!

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We must watch,pray and be ready for what is to come.I do not know Everything about The Bible,but I will share with you what I do know about The Bible.This is what I have learned.There are many clues in The Bible,which tell/warn us what to expect in the future.The Bible has approximately 1880 prophesies;1800 prophesies have already come true and there are approximately 80 prophesies left.The faster we get to the end,the more faster those last 80 prophesies will come true.The Bible mentions that in "The Last Days" some will depart from the faith - that is they will turn their back on The Bible and on The Truth Of The Bible.The Holy Bible also mentions that in "The Last Days" most people will no longer be able to stand The Bible - that is they will no longer want to hear The Truth and so they will start to listen to other doctrines dictated by devils and demons.Also when we reach "The End Of Time" many scoffers will appear.Scoffers are extremely unbelieving people who laugh and mock God and The Bible.The Scoffers believe that Jesus will never return and some of them actually don't want him to return Ever.There are people out there who do not want Jesus Christ to return,so that they can continue on living their sinful lives.God loves us,but Only if we follow his rules/commands and give him the praise and the glory that he deserves!

God has said that The Path To Heaven is thin and narrow and that only a few people will make it to Heaven,while The Path To Hell is long and wide and that many people go to Hell.This means that the vast majority of people will go to Hell,because only a few will make it into Heaven.So most people will go to Hell.Another important thing to mention is that All of those people who are in Hell or will go to Hell are there and will go there,because of Their Own Free Will.God does not send people to Hell;they send themselves there using their own free will.The People who will go to Hell will go to Hell,because:1 - they use their free will against God,they turn their back on God and glorify themselves,2 - they will take "The Mark Of The Beast" or "The Devil's Mark" and 3 - they believe that deep down they are actually good blameless people who deserve 100% to go to Heaven,because of their good works:they don't believe that they need God in order to be saved.They believe that they can save themselves with their good deeds.Some don't even want to be saved,because it hurts their ego and vanity and so they will never repent,because they believe that they don't need saving in the first place.They believe that they are already saved and if you believe you are already saved then you don't believe that you need any more saving and so can do almost-Anything you want.And so these people have to go to Hell,because there is just no place for them in Heaven.They send themselves to Hell just by believing that they themselves are good enough for Heaven.We are not saved by good deeds;we are saved Only by humility and grace - God's grace that is.Also even if you are not hurting Anybody and havent hurted Anybody your whole life,if you do "Certain" things that are against God's rules you are going to Hell.The Bible gives us very strict rules and clear warnings like:If a man wears a woman's clothing he is an abomination.If a woman wears a man's clothing she is an abomination.Now the 6th commandment in The Bible says - Thou shalt not kill,however later in The Bible it says:If a man sleeps with a man they shall be put to death.If a woman sleeps with a woman they shall be put to death.If a man sleeps with a beast/animal they shall be put to death.If a woman sleeps with a beast/animal they shall be put to death.If a man sleeps with his family/relatives they shall be put to death.If a woman sleeps with her family/relatives they shall be put to death.They have to be put to death,because they are impure flesh and because they have contaminated their flesh.God hates impure flesh.Who loves impure flesh - The Devil.Who creates impure flesh - The Devil and who promotes impure flesh - The Devil.So impure flesh must be killed/burned/destroyed,because it is an abomination to God.The Devil will always find a way to twist any situation and get people to commit sin.The Devil will tell you:It's ok for two men or two women to sleep together;as long as you are not hurting Anyone you can do Anything you want.But in God's eyes those men and women are going to Hell!

The Bible says that The Holy Scripture shall be preached to All the nations of the world and then the end shall come.I am doing this right now.This is only possible in our times and in our century - The Century Of The Computer And Information.The Bible also tells us that in "Later Times" knowledge shall increase.This is happening right now.Again this is only possible in our times and in our century - The Century Of The Computer And Information.There has never been so much knowledge before or such an increase of knowledge before.This is,because ever since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit suffering,but also knowledge has constantly been increasing more and more.When they ate the fruit they gained The Knowledge that God already knew,but they had to gain it through suffering.That was the punishment for gaining that knowledge - suffering and suffering is the punishment for gaining that knowledge!

Many people wonder and ask:Why do we suffer,get sick,grow old and die?Some people even think that these things are completely natural and normal and that we are simply evolved creatures like the animals.There is Nothing natural about sickness,old age and death.These things are not natural at All;they are a Supernatural Curse,which we inherited from Adam and Eve.The reason why we get sick,why our teeth decay,why our bones break,why our hair falls,why our skin wrinkles,why our health deteriorates,why we grow old and why we die is because of Original Sin.The Devil and Original Sin are the 2 main causes of All our pain and suffering.Every single person who is born automatically inherits The Original Sin,which Everyone else except Jesus Christ inherited from Adam and Eve long long ago and will continue to inherit it until God returns one day to fix Everything broken.Remember!The Devil is the main cause of Original Sin and thus he is also the main cause of All our pain and suffering.He is the reason why we are in this mess in the first place 6000 + years later and why I am here telling you about this mess 6000 + years later.It is All his fault.It is also Adam and Eve's fault too,but we shouldn't blame Adam and Eve too much;they were still young and naive.The Devil was just too cunning for them!

Also our bodies are The Temple of God,so we must not change our bodies or gender in or out.To change our bodies or gender is to insult and reject God.We do not belong to ourselves;we belong to God.And as such we are eternally forbidden from changing our original human design.Those who change their original bodies or gender belong to Satan!

Most people underestimate The Devil.The Devil is 1 000 000 Million times more dangerous and cunning than people give him credit for.He will do Anything he can to keep people away from The Bible and away from God,because he knows that if he can keep people away from The Bible and away from God he will win these people over to his side (invisibly) and drag them down to Hell along with him in the end.Do not use drugs,do not smoke and do not drink,because these habits make people commit more sin.One habit leads to another habit and one sin leads to another sin.The Devil knows this.The Devil never misses an opportunity.God does not compromise.The Devil loves compromise.Compromise leads straight into the hands of The Devil.There are people in the world both:men and women who have literally sold their sols to The Devil and who work for The Devil and who are influencing the world for him.The Devil rules this world for now,but he knows his time is running out.The more time he looses the far more desperate and furious he shall become.The Devil has already ruled this world for 6000 + years and the next 1000 years are the begining of Jesus Christ's kingdom,so he is almost out of time.According to The Bible the world is a little over 6000 years old,so we have already passed be beginning of the 6th millennium and should be somewhere in the middle or somewhere after the middle of the 6th millennium and since the 7th millennium is the end of this world and the beginning of the next new world we should be almost-near the very end.So we are 1000 years closer to the end of this world and the return of Jesus Christ.Also the last 7 years of this world known as The Great Tribulation are going to be an unseen,unheard of and totally unparalleled nightmare,but it is said that for the sake of God's chosen people that time shall be cut short.In other words God's true saints shall be removed from this world in what is known as The Rapture before the 7 years of Tribulation begin.So we are also an extra 7 years closer to the end of this world and the return of Jesus Christ.In total:We are 1007 years closer to the end of this world and the return of Jesus Christ!

And finally The Bible mentions a generation of people called "The Last Generation".This means that there will be a generation of humans,which will see the end of this world and the return of God - Jesus Christ himself.Let me give you even more details about this last generation.If there is going to be a final human generation that means that there won't be a infinite number of future human generations and there won't be a infinite number of future centuries.Also if the last/final generation is going to be the last/final generation it has to be more scientifically and technologically advanced than All-previous human generations combined and it has to be the most atheistical,sceptical and unbelieving generation of All-previous human generations combined for such a generation to exist.I believe we are very very close,closer than Anyone else before us to that kind of generation.Think about it:We are the only generation that can watch and read about All-other generations before us,but no other generation before us could watch or read about us.Once again this is only possible in our times and in our century - The Century Of The Computer And Information.The most important chapter in The Bible is The Book Of Revelation or The Apocalypse,because it finishes our previous begining and gives us a brand new begining.The Book Of Revelation mentions a very powerful monstrous impostor Christ named:The Anti-Christ and a very powerful monstrous impostor Prophet named:The False Prophet.When The Anti-Christ first appears he will seem like the bestest good guy ever.Later there will be some kind of assassination attack on him similar to John F.Kennedy,but he will be healed and almost-Everyone on earth will follow him.People are literally going to worship the ground he walks on.Meanwhile The False Prophet will create a symbol called:The Mark Of The Beast.The Mark Of The Beast will be some kind of small wearable mark worn on the right hand or forehead,which will integrate and interface Everyone who wears it together.They are building this integrating and interfacing infrastructure/superstructure right now.And once again this is only possible in our times and in our century - The Century Of The Computer And Information.Anyone who takes this mark is Completely Doomed Forever And Beyond Saving Forever.Also The Third Temple in Jerusalem is very close to being built some day soon.Once that third temple is built - We have only 7 years left!One future day at The End Of Time 2 persons will appear who are called:"The Two Witnesses".One of them will be Elijah - a man from ancient times who went to Heaven without dying.Elijah never tasted death.Once they appear;The Two Witnesses will preach The Holy Scripture day and night to Anyone who will listen.If any man tries to harm The Two Witnesses,fire shall come forth from their mouths and it shall incinerate the attacker/s.The Anti-Christ will order The Two Witnesses to be killed.It is written that when The Two Witnesses are killed Everyone in The Whole World will see,hear and know about it and they will sing,clap,dance and jump with joy.Once more this is only possible if Everyone in The Whole World is connected,integrated and interfaced together.The Two Witnesses are resurrected three and a half days later and return back to Heaven again.Some people believe that things will only get better in the future,that humans will actually manage to create a Utopia and that we will go into Outer Space.This is All a Lie - a deliberate Lie.It is All part of something called:The Great Deception.Only unbelievers will believe The Great Deception to come.99% of the people in The World will be on the side of The Devil knowingly or not,while only 1% or - 1% or 0.1% of the people in The World will remain loyal to God.And another reason why almost-Everyone will choose The Devil instead of God is,because God has many strict rules that most people will simply never follow or accept as Absolutes,while The Devil will let people do Absolutely Anything they want even the greatest of sins.People want to be in charge of their lives and destiny,but when God returns and takes over Everything he will be in charge of Everyone's lives and destiny and well most people will never accept that without a fight,but that fight will be their last.Things are going to become so nightmarish that one day people and even animals will start deliberately attacking and killing other people All-across The World and there are also going to be inhuman creatures and forces Everywhere in The World and this is All before God returns with his mighty army and The Battle Of Armageddon begins.But do not despair true believers for there is hope and great rewards for you.The True Believers In Christ who have died in the past shall be resurrected and gathered along with The True Believers In Christ who are still alive and together they shall be taken to Heaven to meet The Lord God himself.This is where The Rapture comes from.The Rapture is part of the 1st resurrection and the going to Heaven to meet The Lord God moment.The 2nd resurrection is 1000 years after the 1st resurrection.When Jesus Christ resurrected over 2000 years ago this meant that one day All-dead people will be resurrected and judged by Jesus Christ and it also meant that Jesus will defeat and capture Satan in The Battle Of Armageddon.Those people who go to Heaven to meet The Lord God shall return with him as his mighty shining army to help him win The Battle Of Armageddon and defeat Satan and his dark army.After The Battle Of Armageddon is over,The Chosen Saints will spend 1000 years together with God and then a Giant Golden City called:The New Jeruselem will come down from Heaven to Earth,Satan will be released,the 2nd resurrection will take place;resurrecting All-unbelievers who ever lived who together will try to attack The New Jeruselem,but shall be destroyed Forever and finally God will spend eternity/infinity with his beloved Chosen Saints on the new Earth!

Jesus Christ is not delaying his coming;he is instead waiting for enough people to return to him before he decides that it is finally time to come back!

I do not know how much time we have left,but this time is constantly running out and one day it will completely run out!

Everyone who chooses The Devil's side will loose very badly.His fate has already been decided long long ago.The Devil is on the loosing side.And if you can't beat the winning side,then join the winning side.I have some plans myself,but I also want to be on the winning side rather than on the loosing side.Wouldn't you?

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