Washington Township Landfill
Ohio citizens were discriminated against when the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) did not give citizens the required public notice on all draft permits for the proposed Construction & Demolition Debris (C&DD) landfill in Washington Township. The landfill would be located two miles from a school. Current Ohio law allows a landfill to be within 500 feet of a school. The landfill site is not suitable for this use due to the hydrogeology underlying the proposed landfill site that will cause the landfill toxins to enter the underground water supply quicker and be a threat to public health. Help protect all Ohio children by asking Governor Strickland to place a mandamus stopping landfills from being placed near schools and on unsuitable sites. We the citizens of Ohio hereby request that the OEPA deny the Permit to Install PTI App #01-12041 Washington Environmental Ltd., on the basis that we were denied our inalienable rights to a Public Hearing on the original application. We further request a complete review by the OEPA Director and our elected officials to amend and provide restitution of this discriminatory action.