Kirkwood-Washington GLUP: Community recommendation for the Board
Howard Goldstein 0

Kirkwood-Washington GLUP: Community recommendation for the Board

85 signers. Add your name now!
Howard Goldstein 0 Comments
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To the Members of the Arlington County Board:

We, the undersigned residents of Arlington County and surrounding neighborhood are writing to share our recommendations for the Washington Boulevard and Kirkwood Road Special General Land Use Plan Study “Plus.” We have throughout the GLUP process emphasized the need to:

  • Adopt appropriate caps on increases in density and height, and ensure appropriate setbacks to provide a harmonious transition to 13th Street N and areas adjacent to 12th Road N;
  • Address the potential impact that redevelopment could have on traffic, parking, and pedestrian safety; and
  • Ensure that the community services currently provided by the YMCA and American Legion will continue and be enhanced by the plan.

Accordingly, we strongly urge the board to:

  • Adopt the final draft Concept Plan from November 9 as prepared by County Staff but remove the possibility for new vehicular access between Washington Blvd and 13th Street. We propose changing the map on page 51 of the Concept Plan to eliminate the arrow facing 13th Street.
  • Update the document to reflect that the setbacks and buffer zones presented on page 28 of the Concept plan should be considered the minimum guidance for site plan applications. The setbacks and buffers should be increased if necessary based on the ultimate use of the road on the Legion site facing 12th Road.
  • Reject any proposals to raise the building height maximums from their current heights on Page 53 of the Concept Plan. We support County staff’s decision not to concur with the Planning Commission’s recommendation to amend the Concept Plan to allow for 6-7 stories where the current map allows only 6 stories, and to allow 4 stories where the current map allows 3 stories. This will ensure that County staff’s proposed heights are “appropriate to achieve a harmonious transition between the Virginia Square Metro Station Area and the Quincy Park North Neighborhood.”
  • Make its decisions about the final GLUP study’s provisions according to general land-use principles as opposed to specific developers’ needs. Developers and owners come and go, but the site area and neighborhood will remain.

We believe the above recommendations conform to the 15 guiding principles in the GLUP Study and Concept Plan. They will help achieve the County’s efforts to respond to requests for redevelopment and improve the land use within the study area while also “preserving and reinforcing the primarily residential character of the neighborhood.” They will also help manage new transportation demands without burdening local streets or jeopardizing safety and ensure that increased density and height transitions to the neighborhood in a harmonious way.

We recognize the potential value to the broader Arlington community of the proposed redevelopment. Though it will most affect our community, we are willing to contribute our “fair share.” We only ask the County Board to address our concerns, taking into consideration that the Red Top Cab redevelopment, proposed new facilities on the Buck Property, and additional seats at Washington-Lee High School will together with the GLUP site area significantly impact our neighborhood.

Respectfully signed by,

Howard & Karen Goldstein, 3447 13th Street N

Nathan & Cara Troup, 1303 Lynnbrook Drive

Aaron Faust & Rachel Alpert, 1305 Lynnbrook Drive

Guus Bosman & Alexandra Tabova, 1336 Lynnbrook Drive

Anita Finkelstein, 1221 N Lincoln Street

Paul Ashin, 1302 N Nelson Street

James Rosen & Marguerite Farrell, 3808 14th Street N

Henry & Claudia Staples, 3454 13th Street N

Rob & Cristie Carlisle, 1229 N Lincoln Street

Judy Sever, 1334 Lynnbrook Drive

Dawn Cooper, 3901 14th Street N

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