If you would like to see Warsaw Jubilee Days be able to sell beer at the concert this year, please sign!! PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS!!

You need to let your voices be heard. The city council tonight voted down the Jubilee Days Committtee's attempt to bring a beverage tent & concert to the festival to close out the festivities on Saturday night. Lou Breshears made a motion to approve the tent with specifications that exceeded the tent done by the Parks & Rec. Department last fall, and none of the other council members would 2nd it. She then motioned to allow us to operate it and the concert in an alternate location, and, once again, no one would 2nd it. The council's excuse was that there were no protections in place to prevent the people from the tent from mingling with the carnival attendees. That excuse is totally irrelevant, however, since there are no protections in place now, nor have there ever been, to prevent people from attending any bar in town and going down to the carnival as well. What you can do to help change matters: Starting tomorrow am, call your alderperson, the city office, and the mayor to voice your displeasure with the ruling. Tell them that the excuse given not to approve the beverage tent is just that, an excuse, and not a truly valid objection since bars have always operated in the vacinity of the carnival. This was Jubilee Days' last ditch effort to keep the festival going for the community. The festival brings in thousands of dollars for the community, yet the business community support in the form of sponsorship doesn't cover our costs. The money paid to our festival in the form of advertising for the brochure only covers the cost of the brochure, none of our other operating expenses. We have tried to cut corners in every way possible, and this concert and tent were a last ditch effort to continue. Listed below is the city phone number, a couple of city email addresses, as well as a listing of the alderpersons who didn't support YOUR festival. City offices: 660-438-5522