Savvy J 0

Warped Tour 2016 Under 21

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Dear fans of rock music,

Now I know that there have been many strains between the family of genres, both online and in real life. But we need to come together to stop

Rock music has covered thousands of topics, from war to romance, from violence to peace, from democracy to anarchy.

Alternative Press Magazine recently published an article over the new rules of Warped 2016. According to Mr. Kevin Lyman, who I have looked up to greatly in the past few months approaching Warped Tour, has stated,

“Next year we're going to have no kids on this tour. It’s going to be really tough if you want to be on this tour and are 21 and under. Whether it's the artist, crew… anyone.”

Not only does this shut out the new generation of rock artists, fans, etc. by telling them that there is an age limit, something I've struggled with as a fan not being able to attend certain concerts, but it also kills the spirit of the fans of newer rock genres and bands. They could be better than anything the world has ever seen, and they're being shut down.

I realize that some of you might hate rock music, hate the newer genres of rock music, hate the bands, hate the fans, whatever. But we are a family. We look out for each other and we've all been through similar hardships, whether it has been abuse, bullying at school, or oppression.

Warped Tour was the best day of my entire life. It was my first time going, and I knew instantly it was what I wanted to do every day of my existence, whether it was on Warped, or living out of a van somewhere opening for some band that no one has heard of.

I'm begging you. Don't let the spirit die.

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