Warehouse built in Timnath Neighborhood

HELP International is interested in building a 15,000 square foot non-profit warehouse at 5000 Goodman street, just north of Ashcroft kennel. This warehouse will be used for the donation of used furniture and other goods and may become detrimental to the community. The main reasons are:
1) HELP International currently uses, and plans to use alternative sentencing individuals from Larimer County Detention Facility. These are individuals who have been convicted of misdemeanors and felonies which may include drug related crimes. The warehouse will be located less than a mile from an elementary school and our neighborhoods. This may pose as a safety issue to the community.
2) Warehouses of this nature may become an eyesore at the entrance of Timnath Ranch and along the Harmony corridor. Used goods are often dropped off after hours and creates a less than desirable look and may lower property values in the region. The warehouse will also generate delivery truck traffic that may include semi-trucks.
3) HELP International is a non-profit organization that will not likely generate sales tax revenue. Non-profit organizations typically pay property tax as well as taxes on their employees, but this specific warehouse would typically generate very little tax revenue for the town of Timnath. It will become a burden on Timnath to compensate for the extra traffic the warehouse will produce.
4) HELP International only intends to hire approximately 2 to 3 individuals. This is not a type of business that will generate jobs for the Timnath economy.
Timnath and its communities are at a delicate growth stage. This may hinder the growth of the community and change the direction of Timnath's growth. This warehouse goes against Timnath's motto of "Connected to our community by our progressive partnerships with developers and retailers, our plan for a thriving commercial/retail/dining district that will reflect Timnath’s dedication to great living."
Please sign this petition if you are against the building of a warehouse for HELP International at the proposed site of 5000 Goodman St. Timanth, CO.