wa newport area smelter
We, the undersigned, residents and/or landowners of Washington State, oppose Hi Test silicon smelter planned for the Newport, WA/Oldtown, ID area. Hi Test Sand land parcels, including #453125000005, #463130010001, #463130020001, #463130500001 are all located in a dense rural residential area and within approximately 1.5 miles of 9 schools (a total of 1600 students), a hospital, clinic, senior care facility and 2 municipalities. Any spills, contaminated liquids or wind transported contaminants carrying potential exposure to silica dust, will adversely affect human health, property values and our rural quality of life. This proposed Smelter site directly borders residential properties which is a serious concern for their property values and quality of their local neighborhood. Heavy industry such as a silicon smelter is inconsistent with the current land uses in our area and therefore should be located at a pre-existing industrial site.