Annie Wang 0

Amend NHS Tutoring Policy

18 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Annie Wang 0 Comments
18 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In order to expand opportunites for tutoring at Walton High School in regards to NHS, we, the undersigned, petition that the NHS make the following changes to the tutoring policy: -Allow tutoring in any classroom, so long as the teacher is present and willing -Allow teachers and administrators to facilitate on-site tutoree registration (That is, a teacher can organize specific tutoring requests and implement them immediately with a willing NHS student) -Show NHS members "wait-listed" tutorees and allow them to volunteer for a second tutoree. If more than one person volunteers, hold a random drawing. We agree that assigned tutorees should have first priority in scheduling, but in order to further the mission of NHS, we believe there ought to be expanded opportunities to tutor. NHS is a service organization with a long history, and we only wish to ensure its legacy. Note: If you do not feel comfortable signing, you may check the "anonymous" box on the below form. However, do input a valid name and e-mail address. Let your voice be heard!


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