Re-unite Wafaa with her 3 children and her husband.

With much sadness Wafaa Abdou was deported on April 27th, 2013. Now begins the long journey back to Canada, so that she may be reunited with her 3 Canadian children and her Canadian husband!
Thank you for all of your support and your continued support! Please continue to write to Minister Jason Kenney, to review this case and allow Wafaa Abdou to come back to Canada.
Flight information.
27 April, 10:45pm – Etihad, flight 140, to Cairo.
Canadian Government,
Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculturalism
David Christopherson, MP New Democratic Party, Hamilton, Ontario
Subject: Reunite the Wilkie family
Message content:
Dear Minister Jason Kenney,
release Wafaa Abdou from detention immediately so that she may be
re-united with her husband and three young children who need her so
Please allow the Wilkie family to remain in Canada so that
they can start a new life in our great country. They have already
sacrificed and endured so much, having been forced to flee the civil war
in Syria.
Minister Kenney, find it in your heart to allow the Wilkie family to begin a safe and peaceful life in Canada.
(Your name)
Tearful goodbye before mom’s deportation to Cairo
You tube video from the demonstration on Friday, April 19th, 2013.
Great turn out on April 19th, 2013! Read the article, CBC news/Hamilton
Let us get together and let Wafaa and her family know we CARE.
Please join us in a peaceful protest on Friday April 19th, 2013 at 4 p.m.
Bay Street, North and York Blvd. Show your support for Wafaa Abdou and the Wilkie family.
Please share with family, friends and network.
Ian Wilkie's message to us on youtube.com
morning stop by your local pharmacy, postal outlet or corner store. buy a
postcard, put a stamp on it and put it in a mailbox!
To: Wafaa Abdou,
Immigration Holding Centre Rexdale,
385 Rexdale Blvd, Toronto, ON M9W 1R9
From the official Facebook site of the Wilkie family.
We hope to see many of you wonderful people at Art Crawl on James St.N. on April, 12th, 2013.
Please come and say HI! to Ian, Zaynab, Yusuf & Fatima.
Your support means so much to them and Wafaa.
and please join us at the rally on FRIDAY APRIL 19th at BAY&YORK.
Please view the latest plea from Ian Wilkie.
Keep signing and passing on. The latest media release on Facebook. Keep sharing and stay in touch and sign the petition.
The Reunite Wilkie Family Committee (RWFC)
wants its supporters and the general public to know that Citizenship and
Immigration Canada has booked a flight on April 27, 2013 to deport
Wafaa Abdou from Canada to Egypt. Coincidentally, this is also the date
of her son, Yusuf's, 9th birthday: a sad commentary on the lack of
veracity in the Harper government's claim to support
family values so far in this case. It appears that the legal process of
trying to obtain a stay of the deportation order against the wife of
Ian Wilkie and the mother of their three Canadian children has come to
an end. The Wilkie family would like to thank MP David Christopherson
and Toronto lawyer Lorne Waldman for their support.
Read full article on Facebook
Wilkie said his wife is “in a desperate state” and his family is coping badly. “My youngest daughter cannot sleep properly at night. It’s a nightmare scenario.”
read the article
"Egyptian wife of Hamilton man to be deported" read the article
Below is an excerpt taken from a Hamilton Spectator article written by Joan Walters.
The link is below if you would like to read the whole article, titled,
"Growing support for family fighting mom’s deportation"
Wilkie says immigration officials ruled at a hearing last week that
Abdou is a flight risk and must stay in custody at a federal detention
centre in Mississauga. The case comes back before immigration officials
April 17, the date on which Wilkie said it is conceivable Abdou could be
ordered deported.
Read the article
Canadian Government, David Christopherson
Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculturalism
Written by Tamara Kamermans
February 7-13, 2013
A Hamilton native has been separated from his wife and their three Canadian children deprived of their mother by a mean-spirited decision of the Harper government. Wafaa, the wife of Ian Wilkie, and mother of Zaynab (11), Yusuf (8), and Fatima (6), has been held for deportation from Canada at the Immigration Detention Centre in Mississauga since January 14, 2013. She fled with her Canadian family from Syria, where Ian taught English As A Second Language for an US company, early in 2011 when the civil war there broke out. Upon the family’s arrival in Canada, Ian tried to sponsor his Egyptian wife, who arrived with a visitor’s visa, for landed immigrant status. However, immigration officials erroneously informed him that he did not meet the financial threshold necessary to sponsor a family member for the purpose of family reunification. Instead, immigration officials processed Wafaa as a refugee. On January 14, during a routine visit to the Mississauga immigration centre, Wafaa was arrested and placed in the immigration detention centre and held for immediate deportation. There she was interrogated several times without the benefit of a lawyer, stripped on several occasions to her undergarments and had her head-scarf removed. She was threatened with punishments if she did not eat properly.
Fortunately, Ian received help from the office of MP David Christopherson. Wafaa’s immediate deportation was averted because Chrisopherson’s staff noted to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) that all the paperwork for her deportation was not complete. At that hearing, the Immigration Minister, Jason Kenney, could grant Wafaa a stay of her deportation order on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. He could also let Ian begin the spousal application process by which the Wilkie family could be re-united permanently as a Canadian family in Hamilton, Ontario. Wafaa is 33 years old with a commerce degree and training as a teacher of the Koran.
She deserves to be re-united with her husband and children, like many other family members from every part of the world who have been re-united with their families in this country.
Canada is the better for it. Read more about the Wilkie family:
read the full article
Written by Joan Walters
Posted in the Hamilton Spectator on Friday March 22, 2013
"Mother of three ruled a flight risk, could be deported in April"
read the article
Thank you to Tamara Kamerman for allowing me to post the edited article.
Thanks for your support! We need a tsunami of support! more info contact meltem koseleci at: meltemkv@gmail.com or Tony Vieira at: tony@mavimusic.com