Washington State's DWLS-3

For all of you who live in Washington State and have been thrown into this never ending hell of Driving While Lisence Suspended in the Third Degree, (usually unpaid tickets), please sign to make a change in this law. For ways in an attempt to clear your tickets such as community service or any suggestions are very much welcome. Instead of sitting in jail and loosing your job, and the tickets compilling up on you. Also some kind of relief of the 12% interest that the courts collection agency, AllianceOne insists on burrying you with along with ridiculous fees. These amounts are being dispursed out so that most of your money is going to their interest and fees and little to nothing to the actual ticket. Therefore a never ending interest rate climb on your ticket to never get paid off completely. If you drink and drive you get to keep your lisence and not sit in jail. But for unpaid tickets you sit longer than felony\'s sit. Help ease this law and change it to make the innocent not have to become criminals. Or be profiled as drug addicts because you can\'t afford to pay tickets, cause in the eyes of the law- you are! Thank-You!