Vote of NO confidence in W&PBC Leader
Dave Price 0

Vote of NO confidence in W&PBC Leader

78 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dave Price 0 Comments
78 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Over the past few years we have seen some major upheaval and changes in Weymouth & Portland down to a number of things i.e. Olympics. However a lot of things that have gone on and been said recently are not beneficial to the area i.e. removal of fairy lights, Pavillion debate, Harbour wall and Condor, Seafront Regeneration, Park and Ride, empty shops, etc. We should be nurturing Tourism and developing other sustainable avenues for the future of Weymouth. Join us in a vote of no confidence in the current Council Leader Mr Mike Goodman.

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