Vote of no confidence in City of Ione Mayor Alison LaFayne
Attention Ione Residents,
We need your help to ensure our community is led with integrity, transparency, and genuine care for its citizens. It's time to stand up against Mayor Alison LaFayne’s erratic behavior, which has repeatedly undermined the values that make Ione strong. Her lack of support for the community, behavior towards city staff, combined with pushing a personal agenda that fails to consider the well-being of residents, has created division and mistrust.
We, as citizens, deserve leadership that listens, collaborates, and works for the common good—not one that acts out of self-interest. By signing this petition for a vote of no confidence, we can urge the Ione City Council to hold her accountable and take a stand for the future of our city.
Let’s unite to bring positive, community-driven leadership back to Ione. Your signature matters.