Roberta Chambers 0


26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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26 people have signed. Add your voice!
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On May 23, 2014 the first of several calls for the resignation or removal of the President of Pine Forge Academy Parent Association (PFAPA) was made. On May 24, 2014 a vote to remove the President was attempted but railroaded by the Chairman of the Pine Forge Board Elder Henry Fordham as he interrupted every attempt to take a count of the votes following a motion that was properly made and seconded. For those of you who may not know, Elder Fordham is also the President of the Allegheny EAst Conference of Seventh Day Adventists. The PFAPA President has still not resigned, despite unanimous opposition.

On June 30, 2014 in a letter from the now "forced to resign" Principal, it is now clear that in a March letter from the Pine Forge Auxilliary Organizations of the Foundation, the alumni Organization and the Parent Association, of which the Parent Association was represented by Sharon Davis, that the following "major parental concerns" formed the basis of a call from the auxilliary organizations to demand the removal of the Principal.
1. a written medical protocol
2. written school emergency protocol
3. a written home leave document
4. syllabi not uploaded to RENWEB.

It is not our intention to analyze these concerns at this forum except to say that one has to wonder what knowledge and experience regarding institutional operations and management informed this request.

However what is quite obvious is that there was an agenda to discredit the Headmaster and that agenda was supported by the PFAPA President without which there would be no basis upon which to make those assertions. The March letter does not mention complaints by parents, which suggests that any representations by the PFAPA President as it pertains to parents complaints must have come after the March letter. Needless to say there were no general complaints as to any of the major items mentioned in the March letter, or was ever a vote taken by the parent body to make these or any other issue a Pine Forge Board contract renewal issue.

It is our conclusion, now supported by the facts as reported by the Headmaster that this PFAPA President has betrayed the trust of the Parent Organization. She has acted ultra vires, by assuming a role and position on the Pine Forge Board that was not supported by general parent consensus. She has misrepresented the parent body as a whole. When asked what vote she cast at the meeting in support of not renewing the Headmaster's contract she has replied that that is her "private business"... A vote on behalf of the Parents is the Parent's business. We deserve to know what that vote was, but the mere fact that it cannot be shared with the parents, exposes the conniving nature of the President's actions.

Further, we believe based on conversations with several individuals, that the actions of the auxilliary bodies and the PFAPA President is an apparent smoke screen to cover a larger more insidious agenda conceived in bogotry and pregnant with malice and disdain for the headmaster and is canopied by an apparent cultural and ethnic bias. This implication finds its basis in the fact that according to the document of March 8, 2014, no credit or recognition was given to the headmaster and his administration for any of his accomplishments over four years. Accordingly all credit was given only to the Alumni Association and PFA Foundation."

We hereby disassociate ourselves from such bigotry and declare that bogotry of this nature should never be allowed to flourish in the church or in the society.

Finally, the PFAPA President's last email to those who elected her to office claimed that the resignation of the Headmaster was "unanticipated" by the board, and further went on to share who she would recommend to replace the Headmaster, without first consulting with the voices who appointed her and who she represents. Her failure to reveal her support or her opposition to the headmaster remaining in his position clearly shows her lack of transparency. Her willingness to share who she would recommend as interim Headmaster as well as other privileged information shows her failure to consult with or speak for those who she represents.

Today we say that if the Allegheny East Conference respects and values its stakeholders, who are the parents who pay at great sacrifice to send their children to this school, that it will consider the following: that Whereas the bylaws of the organization are silent on how to remove a director that well meaning members of the Pine Forge Board and any other Boards or committees upon which the Parents are represented, accept our vote of no confidence against the PFAPA President.
We further declare :
1. that Mrs. Sharon Davis does not represent our position as parents on the parents association, to the Pine Forge Board or any other board or committee upon which she represents Parents of Pine Forge;
2. Mrs. Davis cannot and must not be accepted as the parent's delegate in the selection and appointment of a new Headmaster or any other matters pertaining to the well being of parents or students at Pine Forge Academy.
3. We the parents who have signed this petition, sustain our call for her immediate resignation or removal, and hereby indicate our vote towards this end.

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