MNS A Black Mark On INDIA
prabhakar pandey 0

MNS A Black Mark On INDIA

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To: Chief Justice, Supreme Court, President of India, Shri Manmohan Singh, the Indian Government, Indian Government Officials, MPs, & the National Media. BANNING VIOLENT and UNCONSTITUTIONAL MNS, MAHARASHTRA NAVNIRMAN SENA, THE REAL THREAT TO THE DEMOCRACY OF INDIA. We the undersigned Indian citizens and residents, find the proposed ban on the violent and unconstitutional political party MNS.The notion that MNS should be banned, raised almost a few months ago after the deplorable violence against people of UP/Bihar and Raj Thackeray's comment against "Chaath", the most revered religious festival of almost 20 crore population of this country. MNS's violence in February and a lot of other unreported violence against the people of UP and Bihar, smacks in the face of Indian constitution and its preamble. Raj Thackeray like his Uncle Bal Thackeray has publicly declared that he doesnt believe in democratic set up. We have seen ban on certain organisations like Bajrang Dal and SIMI. MNS is no different from that. On the other hand MNS is even more fatal to the unity of India. Its not only dividing people but its poisoning the minds of individuals beyond repair. Raj Thackeray is doing exactly what Britishers did to us for 150 years. Britishers divided on the name of religion. Raj Thackeray/MNS is doing that on the name of region and language. There is absolutely no difference in his modus operandi than that of Britishers. On the other hand ruling party is not acting against Raj Thackeray fearing that he might gain extra stature, which might matter them in elections next year in Maharashtra. But all that at the cost of people of UP and Bihar, and their constitutional rights. In recent time Raj Thackeray and his MNS has cross all the limits to gain popularity. 
The below evidences are provided for information purposes only, to illustrate that how MNS has consistently tried to divide people through its divisive politics. By signing this petition we urge a ban on MNS as a political party and debar it from contesting any elections in future. Such element are not dangerous for our country.Following links given below are an example of the above said statements :- - giving warning to north indians - Raj thakre UP/Bihar student in pune - raj thakre on outsiders - raj thakre insulting chat puja --Raj dares top cop, govt silent We cannot emphasise enough how MNS is damaging community relationship, and further encourage a feeling of bias and division. we demand an immediate action to ban MNS for instigating violence on the grounds of ethno-racial, cultural and linguistic discrimination and intentionally hurting the religious sentiments of believers of 'Chhath'. Its the call of the Youth of India.Looking for a favourable and right decision for our MotherLand INDIA. Sincerely, People of India Jai Hind


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