Congressman Fossella: We the people of Bay Ridge/Staten Island/Congressional District 13 call on you, our elected representative in Congress, to listen to the will of your constituents and stop supporting the war in Iraq. The war in Iraq has resulted in over 3,900 American deaths (officially acknowledged) and over 1,096,367 Iraqi deaths, with no end in sight. In New York City alone over $6.6 billion of our local taxpayers money has been wasted on an illegal war and occupation of Iraq, money that could have been used for housing, healthcare and education. NY-13 district has alone contributed over $2 million dollars to this illegal war. We demand that you: Vote for immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces in Iraq Vote for full funding of veterans benefits, including care for mental and physical health, and other supports for returning serviceman and women, such as education benefits Vote for aid to reconstruct Iraq under Iraqi control Vote to redirect our tax dollars for social programs at home Vote against the United States going to war against Iran