Virginians for Political Freedom
Joshua Huffman 0

Virginians for Political Freedom

67 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Joshua Huffman 0 Comments
67 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Political freedom is one of the great hallmarks of liberty. Unfortunately, from time to time, politicians work to erode this freedom for their own advantage. Here in Virginia, in the 2017 General Assembly session, the state government will soon be considering SB 902, a bill which would force Virginians to register by political party (or declare them as independents if they refrain from doing so).

We believe that in a free society the government has no legitimate role to create or maintain membership lists in private organizations, such as political parties. In the past, such lists have been used in other countries and even the United States of America to single out individuals for harassment, denial of employment opportunities, and even imprisonment or exile in more totalitarian regimes.

Registering by political party in Virginia will not enhance the liberty of the citizens of the Commonwealth, but rather allows political parties the opportunity to restrict participation in their nominating contests, a process currently publicly funded by all Virginia taxpayers. Although this plan may enhance the political power of the leaders of the two major political parties, it comes at the expense of allowing for greater political competition and it weakens the power and choices of the average voter.

Therefore, we the undersigned oppose SB 902 and we call upon our elected officials in the House of Delegates, Virginia Senate, and our governor to help defeat this bill.

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