stop violent protest to protect peaceful protesters and other peoples rights
Rosemary Dalton 0

stop violent protest to protect peaceful protesters and other peoples rights

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Rosemary Dalton 0 Comments
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To stop violence in unrest cities due to violent protest. Meaning once protest goes violent all violent protesters and all those who condone this behavior during a protest can be charge with domestic terrorism. The protest can not resume for that cause if it went violent on that day. All peaceful protest can resume next day this is for safety of all our peaceful protesters so they are out of harms way during violent protest. This is not infringing on the first amendment but honoring it. The first amendment says peaceful assembly. Anything that is not peaceful is a clear violation of the constitution and can be charged with a federal charge. Rioting , looting , shooting , throwing items ,civil disobedience , infringing others rights. Are clear violations of this makes the meaning of domestic terrorism. this is a federal offense and a clear violation of the constitution we the people for the people by people ask for our government to enforce the consequences and make all violent protesters that are involve to be accountable for their actions. We the people will not tolerate this kind Of behavior to any individual that infringe the rights of others.

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