Nate Rich 0

Vincent Kennedy McMahon needs to step down as head of creative for WWE

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For a lot of us wrestling fans a lot of our first memories came from the WWF (now known as WWE). We remember classic on screen struggles between Hulk Hogan and the late great Andre the Giant, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Rocky Maivia (or The Rock). But the times have changed, people have changed, and attitudes have changed meaning that this wrestling entertainment landscape has changed perhaps forever. Gone seems to be the ability to build long entertaining engaging stories built on the foundations of good and evil. We hardcore fans continue to watch weekly WWE television hoping to get that old nostalgic feeling similar to that of a creepy mortician slowing walking to a wrestling ring and destroying his opponents or watching a true master of storytelling like Ric Flair appropriately take the audience on the highs and lows well worth the costs of admission to each and every fan in attendance. It would be a safe bet to say that if we discuss any moments where we start with the phrase “do you remember when?” we as fans would not be talking about anything that happened within the past five or six years. And since the only constant is him I have to say this with not ill intent in my heart because I do respect him but Vince McMahon I have to call you out. Yes, Vince you are the boss and nothing goes past your approval including the bad decisions. Yes you have tremendous talent working for you but you can’t make all of those men and women happy. Yes you have created a lot of the most memorable moments in wrestling history but wrestling history didn’t start nor will it end with the WWE. In short, the current course has to stop and your company has a great future in Stephanie, Paul, and Shane so why not let the future happen now and let it shine now. To all, agree even in the most minor way please sign this petition and let your voice be heard. Then we will send this to WWE and see if the voices of the true fans of this business is heard.

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