Veterans Demanding Respectable Treatment
We demand that the Democrat Party immediately apologize for allowing Dennis Kucininch to try to further his political ambitions by disrespectfully using the names of Fallen Heroes from the Iraq war. In a campaign ad created by Eric Blumrich, fallen American Heroes from the current Iraq war are listed by name in a scathing attack against the current administration for its policy in the conflict. While we agree with the First Amendment right of the creator and sponsor of the ad, we are deeply offended by the use of these American Heroes by name in connection to the campaigns ambitions. The reverent honoring of our friends and family who have fallen in battle is being trivialized by being included in a simple political process. We demand that the Democrat Party issue an apology to these Heroes memory, their Family, Veterans, and all Citizens for this blatant act of disrespect and dishonor. We also demand a personal apology from Mr. Kucininch for his part in the creation and distribution of this egregious act.