Veterans Access To National Insurance and Treatment Overseas
Jim Black Fermanagh 0

Veterans Access To National Insurance and Treatment Overseas

96 signers. Add your name now!
Jim Black Fermanagh 0 Comments
96 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Hi all My name is Jim Black. I served in the regular Armed Forces from August 1976 until December 1988, and I re-enlisted in July 1989 until 1993. During this time I’ve seen some beautiful places. If I hadn’t joined the army it would not have been possible for me to see these wonders of the world. Being a soldier is not just about going to great places and seeing a lot of different cultures!!! There comes a time when you have to do what you have been trained to do. It could be Northern Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other hostile country. If you are a veteran of our Special Forces, the places you have served have probably been the pits of the earth. In this situation you will be using real ammunition and it will also be used against you, so all that training will become second nature to you. In conflict there are casualties on both sides. We will discuss what we would like to happen if the unfortunate incident happens to one of our servicemen/women. I was awarded a war pension for an injury that I sustained during my course of duty. Living in the United Kingdom was fine as I was able to get all the treatment and medication that I needed. When I decided to set up home in another country, that’s when the difficulties set in. If you don’t pay into your “adopted” country’s National Insurance system you will not receive the medical treatment that you require for your illness. Because the treatment and medication that I needed abroad was very expensive I decided to apply for reimbursement of the costs. To cut a long story short, as to date, I have not been reimbursed for anything. I have now been diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease of the lumbar spine and this requires an operation. I have been informed that this disease IS attributable to my time in the services. I have also been informed that there are MANY veterans, who have had their claim/application for treatment, medication or reimbursement rejected, and, like myself, have accepted that decision and tried to live a normal life in a normal relationship. MY EXPERIENCE NOW TELLS ME THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. So, my mission is to bring this problem to light, and make the Ministry of Defence aware of what a veteran, living abroad, has to go through to get medication, treatment and reimbursement of the cost, and HOPEFULLY a veteran living overseas can get the best possible care. Please sign and support me Thank you Jim Black. Please visit my webpage. page the link to my cause is!/home.php?sk=group_148873291839611&ap=1



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