Town of Vestal improvement of Athletic fields and facilities

This petition is directed to the Town of Vestal Board of Directors. Supervisor Pete Andreasen pandreasen@vestalny.com Deputy Supervisor Emil Bielecki ebielecki@vestalny.com Council Francis Majewski fmajewski@vestalny.com David Marnicki dmarnicki@vestalny.com John Schaffer jschaffer@vestalny.com The Town of Vestal has been totally ineffective at addressing the need for improvements to existing athletic fields and the construction of new sports facilities in the town. Promises have been made by the town for years in regards to fixing the problems with our fields in Vestal. These are empty promises. The Town of Vestal needs to start to move in a direction that is acceptable to the community regarding youth sports organizations and our needs. The Town of Vestal Board cannot be allowed to continue to do nothing and drag this problem out for any more time than they already have. We have to deal with some of the poorest playing conditions in our area for our youth with Vestal being one of the richest communities in the area. Other communities in our area with much lower tax bases than Vestal, have Youth Sport Facilities that far out shine any that we have in Vestal. The town has many options in hand to deal with these needs but they continue to do absolutely nothing. It is time for the Town of Vestal Board to realize the size of the voting block that the parents and grand parents of youth sports participants represent in Vestal. To that end, we urge you to sign this online petition so that we may present it to the Town of Vestal Board on the 19th of March, 2007, at their work session to address this very topic. Some immediate areas of concerns are: Completion of the Vestal Center Park ball field into a Little League field as promised by the town Fixing the drainage problem of the VYFL football fields at Arnold Park Improving the conditions of all the area soccer fields Completion of the second floor of the concession stand at Harold Moore Park Fixing the drainage problem of the Teener Ball Field at Arnold Park Authorizing construction of the sports field complex on what is being called the Ford Tract. If you are in favor of any or all of these items then you are being urged to sign this petition so that the town of Vestal will realize where they have failed and act with determination and haste to correct their ineffectiveness.