Petition to Build a Track and Field Facility in Vernon B.C.

We are putting together a petition for a Track and Field Facility, as we believe that Vernon is a community in need of one. with a population of over 35,000 people and many athletic organizations in our community, Vernon only has a dirt track that is not even a standard 400m track. Our school district athletic programs have many athletes who could benefit from this and show the rest of the province that we have nationally ranked athletes that could come out of our community. Penticton, Kelowna and Kamloops all have wonderful track and field facilities in which they can hold numerous events that attract many different people to their community. Vernon needs this facility not only for the athletic community, but for all citizens of Vernon. With this facility, anyone could use it for their own health benefits. Also, with the rise in drug use in our community, it would give people an option for heathier living.